Sunday, September 23, 2012

No man can serve two masters ...

Here is a sampling of our emails from Elder Capell this past Saturday -- I'm so proud of my son!!! (You must read the entire entry to see why!!!)
I have a proposition for you for something I would like to have. This is for me and Elder Nielson.
What would you say if I proposed that in exchange for some Ford's jerky and you getting it delivered here by no later than Thursday, September 27, 2012, I convert to BYU for indefinitely? The only reason I say this Thursday is because Elder Nielson leaves this Friday.
This is dad and a deal is a deal! If jerky is there by 9/27, you are a Cougar! (2 Nephi 9:34)

Alright, fine. I am a man of my word. If the jerky is there by no later than 9/27, I will convert to the Y, but you must remember 3 Nephi 13:24

I will direct this statement toward Dad referring to that scripture, seeing that it might be the only chance I'll have. No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Mom and BYU.

(The Ford's jerky was purchased on Friday by his Grandma Arnold in Provo a day prior to this email, therefore, there will be no chance of Ryan becoming a BYU Cougar fan what-so-ever!!!)

Elder Capell is doing well.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers on his behalf.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I've Been Transferred!

Dear Capell Family,

     How are you doing?  Hey Dad, I'm sorry YOUR Cougars lost. Ah, who am I kidding? No I'm not sorry -- go UTES!!! 
     Thank you for the package you sent, I really appreciate it!  The training is going well.  Elder Hedger and I are getting along great!  We had apartment study yesterday.  Also, I feel that I should let you know that I was mad the First Counselor in the First Quorum (did I spell that right?) of Elders yesterday.  Elder Beatty is now the President, and Elder Willis is the Second Counselor. Oh, and Elder Bennett is the Secretary.  I feel extremely blessed to have been given this calling!
     I studied humility the other day, and I learned more about it than I thought I had already know.  I wrote notes and promptings down in my study journal.
     Everything so far is great.  I'm a little homesick, but I know I can overcome this trial, as well as all others with the help of our Heavenly Father.  The gospel is true.  Jesus is the Christ, and He does live.

Elder Ryan John Capell

P.S. -  I look forward to getting mail!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I will forever remember this day

Dear Capell Family,
Thank you for the package! The other elders also say thanks. I had been anticipating the next time I would be geting something from you!
I have another new assignment. I am in Quality Assurance from 8:00 a.m. to about 10:00 a.m. I make sure the work than everyone does in their various areas of Worldwide Patron Services is being done properly. This is done by having me assign cases (handled in the phone and chat mediums) to case evaluations, who then see if the work is done properly, what can be improved in working cases, etc.
General Conference was amazing! I was able to get a lot out of it because I went with the right spirit and an open heart, an open mind, and open ears. I was able to find a few things in the talks given that I could use for my lesson that I am giving on April 8th. I was able to attend the Priesthood Session in the Conference Center. I sat with my companion to my left. I sat in the Plaza level, row K, third seat in from the aisle. I was 11 rows in front of the rostrum.
I am glad I didn't write to you yesterday and mail it eariler today for one reason. I ran into Elder Russel M. Nelson on the third floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. I saw him in the north most elevator standing in the north east corner. I had a companion with me, Elder Corniea, so he can attest to this. But I will forever remember this day with great detail. The spirit I felt was amazing. That spirit testified to me how much a man of God he was. Could you imagine how more so it would be with President Thomas S. Monson? I can. Now I wasn't in the elevator with him because it was full, buthe was standing only 10 feet away from where I was. He was with his wife.
The work is going great. I am working to help get the 1940 census published on the internet. I was able to find information on some ancestors, including Great-Grandpa Arnold (Read S.) but unfortunately, no new info for the Temple FOR. I am still at a "brick wall".
Thanks for all of your love and support! Hope to hear from you soon.

Elder Ryan John Capell

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Work is Great!

Dear Capell Family,
I am glad to hear all is well. There are a few things I hsould let you know. Yesterday, March 4, 2012, I was sustained and set apart to be the teachrew for every second Sunday in the First Quorum of Elders. I give my first lesson this upcoming Sunday. I also gave an immediate preparation talk today in district meeting. Also, another note, during the last Young Missionary Fireside, Brother Lloyd K. Newell, the person who speaks at Music and the Spoken Word, spoke to the missionaries at Theater 4 in the North Visitors Center.
The work is going great in everything, except with genealogy right now, because I have hit a "wall." It will pass eventually, but for now, I am working "sideways."
I wrote in my study journal 3 times today. I will send what I can, as prompted by the Spirit. I have also started digitizing my mission journal. As of tomorrow, I should be at about the first week of January of 2012.
It always overjoys me me when I get a letter -- no matter how boring it sounds to you. Please write!!!
I have to go for now but I will tell you that the pictures attached are from a Bible scene of David and Goliath from 1 Samuel 17:49. The snowmen in the picture were made by Elder Anderson, Elder McAfee, and myself.
I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I have a second zone!

Dear Capell family,
I love the new zone! Historical Reconstitution Data Analysis, I do several things there. I work on auditing (making sure all the information that is on the records is transferred to digitized data has been entered correctly), blocking (making sure the images which have no extractable data are not visible to those indexing), and maybe eventually arbitrating (deciding what the information the indexers said is on the record is 100% accurate or not).
I also want to let you know that I think I have developed a new talent, singing. So last Sunday (February 12th), I asked Sister Mills, who is the Branch Choir Chairperson, if I could join up. I will be singing in the bass section of the branch choir. I know I am not the best singer in the world, but I love singing. My favorite songs to sing from the songs I have in my music collection are Called to Serve, Ye Elders of Israel, and Savior, Redeemer of My Soul.
Also, to let you know, I am moving apartments, I will still be in the Garden Apartments, but different room number. My companion will be Elder McAfee, and he came in the same time I did.
If it is alright with you, I have a little challenge for you. I taken this challenge, and it is amazing I have the instructions and a blank list, and my list in the three documents attached. The challenge is to list 100 blessings you are grateful for, and I would throw in a second part to it, if you're up to it. My part of the challenge is to not have any one item on the list more than one time. Who knows, maybe you can even use this as a family home evening lesson on Monday.
If it is alright with you I would like to share with you what I wrote in my weekly letter to President Peterson. It reads, "I have been diligent in journal writing and personal prayer, and starting to do much better with waking up on time during the weekends. I am doing everything I can in my zones to be anxiously engaged in a good cause. I realize I have been slacking in my personal scripture study, and I plan to work on that, same goal as last time 1 hour every day, on a specified topic or book. I am also making it a goal to start waking up when the alarm goes off in the morning. I have been starting to realize that I am feeling an emotional stress during the weekdays, probably because I am adjusting to working in two zones. I do what I know any good missionary should do in this situation when they cannot overcome it themselves after finding all possible solutions and implementing them, and have them be unsuccessful. The result I have come to is pray to Heavenly Father to help me through it."
I just thought you'd like to know how I am doing.
Elder Ryan John Capell

Monday, January 30, 2012

I am so blessed...

I wish to let you know that earlier this week I found out I was going to train a new elder, or a greenie! His name is Elder Skaggs. Yes, I am a trainer after just 2 months of being on my mission. I am the youngest elder, referring to time of being on the mission, to become a trainer in this mission.
Elder Nielson is leaving to the other apartment complex, so I will be without a companion for a week as he has to have surgery. He must, as told by the doctor, be homje for a week for his recovery (he is from Orem).
I am working on finishing the Book of Mormon by the end of the year, as well as try to memorize Psalms 23:1-7, which is the entire chapter.
I would like to share an experience I had the other day. On my way to the Family History Library, I happened by a homeless woman and a young man. They were in great need. The woman, Paula, asked if I could spare some money so they could obtain shelter for the night. I replied that I could not, for it would be a violation of mission rules. I then prayed in my heart and asked Heavenly Father what I should do. I had scarcely done so when Paula asked if we could say a prayer. We joined hands and I asked who she would like to say it. She asked if I would. I was prompted by the spirit in prayer to have help come by them that they may obtain stable living conditions, and gave thanks for the blessings we had in common, including the Gospel and the Atonement of Christ, for His great sacrifice on our behalf. Upon saying amen, Paula said she had been excommunicated from the church, and her son Jeff was seeking to obtain the Priesthood so that he could rebaptize his mom. I wished them best in this worthy pursuit and goal. I then noticed Jeff did not have any gloves. I asked if he would like mone, to which Paula said, "Don't you need those for your work?" I said no, I have another pair back at my apartment. I then asked Jeff if he would like them and of course he said that would be nice. We then parted. I then thanked God for the bounteous blessings which I have.
God does answer prayers in miraculous ways. Fasting does work when we are in the right spirit of doing so. God lives and loves each on of us.
I love all of you! Do your bes in all you do!
Love, Elder Ryan Capell