Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I will forever remember this day

Dear Capell Family,
Thank you for the package! The other elders also say thanks. I had been anticipating the next time I would be geting something from you!
I have another new assignment. I am in Quality Assurance from 8:00 a.m. to about 10:00 a.m. I make sure the work than everyone does in their various areas of Worldwide Patron Services is being done properly. This is done by having me assign cases (handled in the phone and chat mediums) to case evaluations, who then see if the work is done properly, what can be improved in working cases, etc.
General Conference was amazing! I was able to get a lot out of it because I went with the right spirit and an open heart, an open mind, and open ears. I was able to find a few things in the talks given that I could use for my lesson that I am giving on April 8th. I was able to attend the Priesthood Session in the Conference Center. I sat with my companion to my left. I sat in the Plaza level, row K, third seat in from the aisle. I was 11 rows in front of the rostrum.
I am glad I didn't write to you yesterday and mail it eariler today for one reason. I ran into Elder Russel M. Nelson on the third floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. I saw him in the north most elevator standing in the north east corner. I had a companion with me, Elder Corniea, so he can attest to this. But I will forever remember this day with great detail. The spirit I felt was amazing. That spirit testified to me how much a man of God he was. Could you imagine how more so it would be with President Thomas S. Monson? I can. Now I wasn't in the elevator with him because it was full, buthe was standing only 10 feet away from where I was. He was with his wife.
The work is going great. I am working to help get the 1940 census published on the internet. I was able to find information on some ancestors, including Great-Grandpa Arnold (Read S.) but unfortunately, no new info for the Temple FOR. I am still at a "brick wall".
Thanks for all of your love and support! Hope to hear from you soon.

Elder Ryan John Capell